Wednesday, October 19, 2011

In the article, A Raisin In the Sun, by, Brookes Atkinson, Brookes talks about the play the night of its premier. He talks about some of the character and the setting in which the play takes place. Brookes also mentions that the family is given a 10000 insurance claim for their father’s death. Walter, the man’s son, had big plans with that money. Although he had big plans they were not necessarily good ones. Walter wanted to start a liquor store. The family thought the idea was a bad one. Instead of giving Walter to buy a new one, Walters’s mom took the money and bought them a house.

1.       The mother has brought up her family in a tenement that is small, battered but personable.
a.       I like this sentence because it describes where they live and it also includes a F.A.S.T. word
2.       After a long delay the widow receives $10,000 as the premium on her husband's life insurance.
a.       I like this sentence, because the way it is written makes it seem like the money was a big deal to them, which it is.

Monday, September 12, 2011

paragraph 1
Bell word: explode
 The feeling of loneliness and sorrow
 Have you ever felt like you so lonely, and you have a huge amount of pressure on you, giving you the feeling that you might explode?
Hook on subject:
People have that and want to die.
Hook on subject:
Other people live and don’t mind it.
Instead of killing yourself think about it and make you sorrow fade in happiness.

When the thought of exploding comes to mind, I think of a car watermelon,  or a raisin in the sun.
2 echoe words used: explode, Explodes
I think things that explode should be objects.
Not people.
Everybody should be treated like everyone else.
In the song for a dancer, it is written for a friend that was something completely different from everyone else.
Because his friend was different he was treated differently.
After longs periods of time of being under pressure and thinking he might explode, he said to himself that he was done and he killed himself.
Sometimes when I feel stressed and under a lot of pressure I do the most simple thing I can.
This Simple thing for me is to take a shower.
This activity clears my head of anything that might be bothering me and makes me think positive.
Next time you think you might explode or you might want to kill yourself, think about the people that have it worse and maybe take a shower.
When Jackson Browne was put under the stress of his friend dying, his wife killing herself, and his son dying, Does it ever sound like he gave up?
2 echo words used: Dying
Jackson Browne was a very talented man with a very unfortunate life.
His wife, and close friend died.
He was very sad, but he looked passed it.
He didn’t sit there like rotten meat, or like a raisin in the sun.
He released some of the pressure off of him by writing songs.
Some of the songs he wrote brought joy back into his life.
If anything like that ever happened to me, I would sit there like a raisin in the sun.
I wouldn’t know what to do, or where to go.
I would be lost in my own world, and in my own thoughts.
Jackson Brown is a strong man who can deal with major problems, and if I could be half the man he was I would be satisfied with life.
Have you ever felt so lonely, maybe so lonely you might explode, like a raisin in the sun?
Bell word: lonely
The raisin might explode, but as long as you keep your cool you will be ok.
Instead of exploding, think of yourself in a better place being relaxed and as happy as a clam.
Instead of killing yourself, think about your troubles fade away into happiness.